Sabrina (UPDATED!)
My idea of a dream home includes lots of snuggles with my people, a yard to run, and a dog friend to play.
I am super smart and love to learn, especially if it means more treats. You could say I am food motivated, I love to peak on the table and steal the cats food if I can.
Speaking of cats, the resident cat is just so interesting and I love to wrestle with him. Sometimes foster mom says I need to be gentle, whatever that means, he has claws I don’t. While I may need work on my cat outreach I am fantastic with my dog friends which include two Chihuahua’s, who don't like me and my best friend a German Shepherd.
My best friend though is a 9 year old girl who visits often. I love kids!
If I sound like a good fit with your family we should meet up so you can see how cool I am in person. Being a dainty 35 lbs I can fit most anywhere.